Tuesday 22 October 2013

Updates: Apple Event October 2013

I'm so happy I could die. Apple has launched so many brilliant products today. First up, yeah! Mavericks is official! But better news is that it's FREE upgrading from earlier OS X to Mavericks. I almost shouted out of happiness when they announced it at the event just an hour ago.

Here are the Mac models compatible with OS X Mavericks:
[Source] http://www.apple.com/osx/how-to-upgrade/
OS X Mavericks is available for downloads today and here is the official link to download it for free. Over 200 new features are added in the free upgrade for us users to experience an even more advanced and convenient experience of using the Macs. For full details of the new features, go to OS X new features.

[Source] http://www.apple.com/osx/
The most satisfying and mind-blowing feature (apart of Mavericks being free) is how they change the way Mac utilises the battery and memory, making the Mac more power efficient. Thumbs up for always breaking through in the technology industry. I think I made a very wise choice moving from Windows to Mac. 

Nextly, the rebranded iPad, which is now named iPad Air. Thinner and lighter, just like what is on Apple website, "The power of lightness." I like how they reduce the thickness and weight and can still make the iPad very very nice to use. And the battery would also last up to 10 hours. My iPad 3rd Gen lasts more than Apple has promised, it could last more than 12 hours with normal wifi browsing under one single charge.

[Source] http://www.apple.com/ipad-air/features/
Then the iPad Mini with Retina Display, which is the 2nd Gen iPad Mini, now available with Retina Display.

[Source] http://www.apple.com/ipad-mini/
iPad Mini is definitely the next thing I'm gonna own. iPad Air is really good, but I'd still prefer iPad Mini, for it's tininess, for it's convenience and for it's portability. I don't usually carry my current iPad out, coz it's so damn heavy and I have nowhere to keep it as it's just so big. I think Apple realised this problem and that's exactly why they come out with iPad Air, thinner and lighter, but still not as thin and as small as iPad Mini. It actually depends on your needs, if you need to carry the iPad almost everywhere you go, go with the iPad Mini, if you would want to watch movies using your iPad, then go with iPad Air.

Here is the pricing of both the iPads.

[Source] https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1379405_553770564692889_1168626660_n.jpg
iOS 7.0.3 is also released right after the event. And here is the changelog:

[Source] http://www.idownloadblog.com/2013/10/22/ios-7-0-3-is-out-with-icloud-keychain-imessage-fixes-and-more/
Have fun.

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