Wednesday 16 October 2013

iPhone 5S/5C to Reach Malaysia on 31st October

Alright I know this is not something new, but just to remind all Apple fans, iPhone 5S and 5C will be made available to Malaysians on 11 November, said Apple in their press info last week.

And here's the details to it. For full press info, click on the link below.
But on the other hand, our biggest telco Maxis has also promised to release iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C on 31st October, a day earlier than the date provided by Apple.

Here's the Facebook post by Maxis.

And one more good thing from Maxis (that's what I think) is that they actually offer booking of the phones, so does it mean we don't have to queue up many hours before the launch of the iPhones? We will see. And for those who are interested in purchasing the iPhones, you could register your interest with Maxis and you will be informed on the price offer by them. 

Here's the email I got from Maxis.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm really really excited about the launch. It's around 40 days earlier than expected as iPhone 5 was launched on December last year. I've never queued for hours for anything at all, guess this would be my first experience.

What colour and how big the storage are you going to buy? I'd go for Gold 64 GB, but it's out of stock, let's have our fingers crossed that they will be able to provide us with the Gold version. I hope I could get a 5C as well but too bad I am just a student I couldn't afford 2 iPhones. Less than 2 weeks guys!!!

Stay tuned, I will be reviewing my iPhone 5S once I've got it from Maxis.

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