Tuesday 15 October 2013

Why not?

Does anyone not encounter problems when it comes to first post title, the content or the whole layout of the blog? I bet everyone does have problems on how to start writing blog, probably cracking their heads for hours in front of their computers just to figure out their first post ever. So do I. LOL

It was not long ago I started to have the thoughts of creating this blog, writing on gadgets I own (mostly Apple products). Why? The answer is rather funny. It's because I have way too much time to spend being a student. Not that I don't have all those never-ending assignments and exams to attend to, but I love and prefer spending time with things I actually love, technology. :)

I will be writing reviews about gadgets I own (obviously), mostly on Apple products as those are all I have currently. Maybe Android devices later on (hopefully).

[Source] http://www.mutualmobile.com/posts/a-universal-os-its-coming

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